What is our relationship to God? Often we think of our relationship with God, but before we can really get there, we need to take a step back and look at a core aspect of God. If God exists, God would be fundamentally different from us. While we may beRead More →

When faced with the reality of suffering, the classical view of God becomes exceptionally difficult to defend. The idea that God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving is challenged by the existence of evil. It brings up the age-old question of theodicy; how do we reconcile our notion of a lovingRead More →

The very core if Christianity, what sets it apart from the other Abrahamic religions, and makes it a death cult is substitutionary atonement: the idea Jesus died on the cross so your sins are forgiven. A Get Out of Hell Free card that justifies the cruelty and mass murder doneRead More →

“You say you want to explore the myths, yet present Christ as a fact. This is a bit disingenuous because although Jesus possibly existed, there is zero proof he did from a context where every individual was documented. It’s why Mary and Joseph were in Bethlehem. The concept of theRead More →

Does the sacrifice that Jesus underwent have any meaning outside of Christianity? Can someone who isn’t religious still find value in the ordeal that Jesus went through? I think the answer to that is a resounding yes. The death, and life, of Jesus doesn’t have to be regulated to Christianity,Read More →

For the vast majority of human existence, science and religion peacefully existed. Yet today, the two appear, for many to be diametrically opposed. This “conflict myth,” the erroneous view that science and religion are engaged in a perennial battle, was largely created by two men, John Draper, and Andrew DicksonRead More →

I grew up in an Evangelical Christian household. If you had asked me how that was 15 years ago, I would have had a lot of criticism for the faith.  I would have had a lot of anger for the faith. It had been a faith I had thoroughly rejected.Read More →